How to Test and Replace Battery on Volkswagen ID.4 Key Fob

How to Test and Replace Battery on Volkswagen ID.4 Key Fob

Is your Volkswagen ID.4 key fob acting up? It might be time for a battery change. A dead key fob can be incredibly inconvenient, leaving you stranded and frustrated. Fear not! Replacing the battery is a simple DIY task that can be completed in just a few minutes. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, so you can get back to enjoying your ID.4 without any hassle. Let’s get started!

Tools and Materials Needed

The following are the tools and materials needed to proceed with testing and replacing the battery:

Steps to Test and Replace the Key Fob Battery

Open the Key Fob

Use a small flathead screwdriver to carefully pry open the key fob along the seam. Be gentle to avoid damaging the casing.

ID.4 Key Fob Side View
ID.4 Key Fob Side View
ID.4 Key Fob Back Removed
ID.4 Key Fob Back Removed

Remove the Battery

To remove the battery it may require using the flat head screwdriver to pry the battery out. Be careful to not try and force the battery out. It should come out fairly easily. You will need to try and pry it out from the top as shown in the picture below.

ID.4 Key Fob Battery Removal
ID.4 Key Fob Battery Removal

Test the Battery

To test the battery, I used a multimedia to measure the voltage. Set the multimeter to 20 VDC and then touch the black probe to the – side of the battery (bottom) and the red probe to the + side of the battery (top). As you can see from the images below, I received a very low value for the bad battery and a value over 4v for the good battery.

ID.4 Key Fob Bad Battery
ID.4 Key Fob Bad Battery
ID.4 Key Fob Good Battery
ID.4 Key Fob Good Battery

Replace the Battery

If your battery was bad, you can insert the new battery into the location where you removed the old battery. The + side faces out.

Reassemble the Key Fob

To reassemble the key fob, you press the back cover into place on the key fob. Do not try and force as it should just snap into place.

What to Do with Dead Battery and no Spare?

If your key fob is dead and you do not have a replacement battery you can follow the following steps.

Entering Car

To enter the car you will need to use the physical key that is located inside the key fob. There is a button you press to remove the key. On the driver’s side door, find the rectangle cover and slide the key into the slot on the bottom (location indicated by red arrow in picture below) and pull toward you to pop the cover off. Note that it does take a bit of force. This exposes the lock where you can use the key.

ID.4 Key Lock Cover
ID.4 Key Lock Cover
ID.4 Key Lock
ID.4 Key Lock

Starting Car

You will need to place the dead key fob in the center console where you see the key icon. This is at the bottom of one of the cup holders. Put your foot on the brake and turn on the car as you normally would.

ID.4 Dead Key Fob Location
ID.4 Dead Key Fob Location


Replacing the battery in your Volkswagen ID.4 key fob is a quick and easy task that can save you time and money. By following these simple steps, you can get your key fob working again in no time.

Remember to always use the correct battery type to ensure optimal performance. If you continue to experience issues after replacing the battery, it might be time to consult your Volkswagen dealer.

With a fresh battery, you can enjoy the convenience of your ID.4 key fob once again. Happy driving!

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