Using AI for Beer Recipe Creation Review

Using AI for Beer Recipe Creation Review

Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Beer Recipe Creation? My Recent Experiment and Insights into AI for beer recipe creation.

Crafting the perfect beer is an art that has been honed and cherished for centuries. Whether you’re a seasoned homebrewer or just someone who enjoys savoring a cold, well-crafted brew, you understand the intricate dance of flavors, aromas, and ingredients that go into a great beer. But what if I told you that there’s a new player in town, one that’s poised to revolutionize the way we approach beer recipe creation? Enter Artificial Intelligence, a technological powerhouse that is making its presence felt in the world of brewing.

In this digital age, AI is no longer confined to science fiction novels or blockbuster movies. It’s here, it’s real, and it’s bringing its computational prowess to the beer industry. But is it truly the game-changer we hoped for? I recently tried my hand at using AI for beer recipe creation, and my experience left me pondering whether this technology is up to the task just yet.

Join me on a journey where science meets tradition, where algorithms collaborate with hops and malt, and where innovation seeks to enhance the age-old craft of brewing. In this candid review, I’ll share my firsthand experience and insights into the use of AI for beer recipe creation, exploring its potential, limitations, and the intriguing path it’s paving for the future of brewing.

So, whether you’re a curious beer enthusiast or a seasoned brewmaster, let’s raise a glass to the question at hand: Is AI ready to become an indispensable tool for crafting your next perfect pint, or is it still a work in progress? Cheers to a spirited debate on the role of AI in the world of beer!

Why try AI for Beer Recipe Creation?

One personal motivation that led me to explore AI-driven beer recipe creation was the desire to brew without the hassle of rushing to the homebrew store. Many of us have been there – the urge to craft a new batch strikes, but you’d rather not venture out to source additional ingredients. It’s in moments like these that AI can shine. I wanted to see if AI could assist me in formulating a unique brew using only the ingredients I had readily available. This convenience factor is one of the real-world applications of AI that caught my attention. Can it help me make the most of what’s already in my pantry and create a delicious beer without the need for a last-minute shopping trip? It was this curiosity that prompted me to dive headfirst into the world of AI-assisted beer recipe creation. And what I discovered along the way was both intriguing and insightful.

My First Attempt

I went ahead and used the following prompt with ChatGPT:

I would like to brew an all grain beer of 5 gallons and I have the following ingredients on hand: lots of 2-row pale ale malt, caramel malt 40L 2 lbs, caramel malt 60L 2 lbs, caramel malt 80L 2 lbs, chocola malt 2 lbs, flaked oats 1 lb, lots of cascade hops, 10g columbus hops, 13g centennial hops, 5/8 oz sterling hops, and 2 packets dry yeast. I would like an IPA style beer. Can you help me generate a recipe.

ChatGPT IPA #1 Recipe


  • 10 lbs 2-row pale ale malt
  • 2 lbs caramel malt 40L
  • 2 lbs caramel malt 60L
  • 1 lb caramel malt 80L
  • 2 lbs chocolate malt
  • 1 lb flaked oats


  • Cascade hops (used throughout the boil for bittering and flavor)
    • Start with 1 oz at 60 minutes
    • Add 0.5 oz at 20 minutes
    • Add 0.5 oz at 5 minutes
  • Columbus hops (used for bittering)
    • Add 10g at 60 minutes
  • Centennial hops (used for aroma and flavor)
    • Add 13g at flameout (0 minutes)
  • Sterling hops (used for aroma and flavor)
    • Add 5/8 oz at flameout (0 minutes)

Recipe #1 Summary

Based on the prompt I used, ChatGPT attempted to use all ingredients as much as possible. I punched in the recipe into Brewfather and selected “American IPA” as the style and the following chart is what was generated for the style guidelines:

ChatGPT American IPA #1

As you can see the ABV was way too high for an American IPA and the color (SRM) was way to dark and the IBU was way to low for an IPA. When going into the Style Guide selection the closest style was a Hazy IPA and that was only a 57% match.

Second Attempt

The first recipe that was generated was way off so I wanted to modify how it was calculated. I provided the follow up prompt to ChatGPT:

I want a American IPA and you don’t need to use all the ingredients

ChatGPT IPA #1 Recipe


  • 10 lbs 2-row pale ale malt
  • 2 lbs caramel malt 40L


  • Cascade hops (used for bittering and flavor)
    • 1 oz at 60 minutes
    • 0.5 oz at 15 minutes
    • 0.5 oz at flameout (0 minutes)
  • Centennial hops (used for aroma and flavor)
    • 0.5 oz at 15 minutes
    • 0.5 oz at flameout (0 minutes)

Recipe #1 Summary

The revised recipe was much closer to the style I was looking for. I punched the revised recipe into Brewfather and it appears to be a more closer match to what I was looking for. If you went into the Style Guide selection it was showing a 94% match to an American Amber Ale which is definitely a style I enjoy.

ChatGPT American IPA #1

This time the ABV was on the lower side but the color was more in line with what I was looking for. The IBU was a bit lower but this would easily be addressed by adding in some additional hops.


In the world of beer brewing, tradition and creativity have always been the driving forces behind crafting exceptional brews. However, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into beer recipe creation is challenging these established norms, offering a blend of innovation and convenience. Throughout this exploration of AI for beer recipe creation, we’ve witnessed the potential it holds to inspire, streamline, and enhance the brewing process. But, as I embarked on my own AI-assisted brewing journey, it became clear that while AI is undeniably useful, it isn’t quite ready to take the reins entirely.

AI can undoubtedly help guide you in the general direction of a recipe, making it a valuable tool for those looking to brew with the ingredients they have on hand or seeking inspiration from new flavor profiles. However, it’s important to approach AI-generated recipes as a starting point rather than a final destination. Your unique tastes and the specific beer style you’re aiming for often require adjustments and fine-tuning beyond what AI can provide. It’s a tool to assist, not replace, the craft and artistry of brewing.

The journey of AI in beer recipe creation is still in its early stages, and like a fine beer, it’s expected to mature and improve over time. As technology advances and AI algorithms become more sophisticated, we can anticipate more accurate and tailored recipe recommendations. In the meantime, it’s an exciting era for brewers who want to embrace the synergy of technology and tradition, harnessing AI as a helpful companion on their brewing adventures. So, while AI may not be fully there yet, its potential is undeniable, promising a future where technology and creativity blend seamlessly in the pursuit of brewing perfection.

Additional Resources

I would definitely recommend the book “Designing Great Beers: The Ultimate Guide to Brewing Classic Beer Styles” by Ray Daniels if you wanted to learn more about creating beer recipes:

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2 responses to “Using AI for Beer Recipe Creation Review”

  1. Domijana Avatar

    This was a fantastic read! Your passion for the subject matter really shows and makes the content all the more compelling.

  2. Pas z Juty Avatar

    I always look forward to your articles. They’re a blend of thorough research and engaging writing.

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